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Case Studies / Quality Monitoring

Large Mortgage Servicer Experienced Yearly Gains in Agent Performance from QM Improvements

Financial Services


  • The Collections Department at a large mortgage servicer experienced frequent complaints and high customer dissatisfaction. Customers provided feedback that agents were harassing and inconsiderate during collection calls.
  • The Collections Department engaged Northridge to establish a monitoring program that focused on enhancing their agents’ soft skills, particularly improving empathy, professionalism, listening and providing clear explanations.


  • As part of the quality monitoring program, Northridge:
    • Conducted initial guideline education and calibration sessions with internal QA team to drive agent performance improvements within key opportunity behaviors (Professionalism, Listened Actively, Maintained Composure & Empathy).
    • Established criteria for Hotline reporting. Agents received feedback within 24 hours for egregious behaviors.
    • Provided agents with specific coaching comments to explain the reason for the performance opportunity.
    • Revamped reporting included a monthly review, identifying agent strengths and performance opportunities, as well as a Monthly Business Process Measures report, providing analysis for key metrics by the team.
  • Results showed Agents’ Summary Scores increased year over year, while the % of hotlines decreased (see the trend to the right).

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