Data & Analytics

Competitive Benchmarking

Gain Data Insights through Competitive Benchmarking

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Our Approach

Providing seamless and innovative Customer Experiences that favorably compare to your competition can seem like a daunting task.

Stay ahead of the curve by ensuring you have the right data and analytics in place to measure your performance versus the competition.

Northridge works with organizations to extract data and unearth valuable insights, enabling their leaders to make smart decisions that positively impact their customers and their bottom lines.

Measuring Competitor Performance

Our Competitive Benchmarking services utilize data analytics to compare an organization’s performance to that of its competitors. The resulting insights drive operational and marketing adjustments that improve customer acquisition, retention, and product development initiatives.

Our Competitive Benchmarking services focus on data first and include a variety of methods of data point collection:


research and administration analytics

Customer Experience research tactics

(surveys, mystery shopping, interviews, focus-groups, speech and text analytics)


UI, and performance metrics

leveraging data

Northridge Insights

Leveraging Data to Mine Insights and Deliver Value

In this article, The Northridge Group presents a four-part framework that educates business leaders on how to turn structured and unstructured data into meaningful insights that inform decisions, drive actions, and result in measurable business outcomes.

Download the Report

Northridge Perspectives

Additional Data & Analytics Services

Data Integration for Business Process Redesign

Contact Center Speech Analytics

Customer Churn Analytics

Voice of the Customer

Let’s Talk About Your Organization

With experience across nearly every industry, non-profit and governmental agency, we have the team to help you achieve your goals.

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